SERIES: Online exclusives from Topps, Inc. are listed under a particular Series. This particular release was listed under: Prime Slime Trashy TV
RELEASE DATE: September 19, 2016
ON SALE WINDOW: 7 days (9/19/16 - 9/26/16)
STICKER NUMBERS: 1a-10a and 1b-10b
COMPLETE SET: 20 stickers
PRICE: There were two different purchase options for this release. Two-card a/b sets of each character were available for $9.99/ea, or one could purchase all 20 stickers for $49.99
INFORMATION: The Prime Slime Awards set is the 3rd online exclusive Garbage Pail Kids Prime Slime set released by Topps. Based off of the Emmy Award Show that aired on September 18, 2016, this set featured celebrities ranging from Bryan Cranston to Amy Schumer to Kevin Spacey. The set was available for a limited time and could only be purchased directly from the Topps websitee
PRINT RUN: According to information released on the Topps blog, the sales of the set were as follows:
1ab - Bryan Cranston: 106
2ab - Cuba Gooding: 106
3ab - Taraji Henson: 106
4ab - John Travolta: 107
5ab - Kevin Spacey: 106
6ab - Kit Harrington: 106
7ab - Tina Fey/Amy Poehler: 106
8ab - Ellie Kemper: 106
9ab - Larry Sanders: 106
10ab - Amy Schumer: 106