Release Information
- SERIES: Online exclusives from Topps, Inc. are listed under a particular Series. This particular release was listed under:
American As Apple Pie In Your Face
- RELEASE DATE: December 20, 2016
- ON SALE WINDOW: 7 days (12/20/16 - 12/27/16)
- STICKER NUMBERS: 1a-6a and 1b-6b, #7 Wacky Package (not pictured)
- COMPLETE SET: 13 stickers
- PRICE: There were two different purchase options for this release. Two-card a/b sets of each character were available for $9.99/ea, or one could purchase all 13 stickers for $34.99
- INFORMATION: The GPK Christmas set is the 16th online exclusive Garbage Pail Kids Apple Pie set released by Topps. This mini-set features some fun Christmas-themed GPK (and also a Christmas themed Trump card?...of course!). This set was available for a limited time and could only be purchased directly from the Topps website
- PRINT RUN: According to information released on the Topps blog, the sales of the set were as follows:
1ab - Disappointed DONALD/Terrible TRUMP: 289
2ab - STEVEN Stocking/Stuffed STEFFANIE: 279
3ab - Eerie EBENEZER/Spectral SCROOGE: 281
4ab - ALF on the Shelf/Elfish EVAN: 280
5ab - Granny GRETCHEN/Run Over RHONDA: 280
6ab - Gifted GARY/Brainless BENNY: 279
7 - How the Trump Stole America (WP): 363