Release Information
- SERIES: Online exclusives from Topps, Inc. are listed under a particular Series. This particular release was listed under:
American As Apple Pie In Your Face
- RELEASE DATE: November 21, 2016
- ON SALE WINDOW: 7 days (11/21/16 - 11/28/16)
- STICKER NUMBERS: 1a-5a and 1b-5b, 6
- COMPLETE SET: 11 stickers
- PRICE: There were two different purchase options for this release. Two-card a/b sets of each character were available for $9.99/ea, or one could purchase all 11 stickers for $29.99
- INFORMATION: The GPK Thanksgiving set is the 15th online exclusive Garbage Pail Kids Apple Pie set released by Topps. This mini-set features some fantastic Thanksgiving-themed GPK (and also a Thanksgiving themed Trump card?!). Also included in this set was a Wacky Packages card (#6) but I have decided not to picture it here since it has nothing to do with GPK. This set was available for a limited time and could only be purchased directly from the Topps website
- PRINT RUN: According to information released on the Topps blog, the sales of the set were as follows:
1ab - Dismissed DONALD/Turned Back TRUMP: 267
2ab - Pardoned PARKER/SAL Monella: 249
3ab - Food Fight EARL/DEE Bate: 249
4ab - Trypto FRAN/Stuffed STEPHANIE: 252
5ab - Black FRYE Day/Last Box BOBBY: 249
6 - Duck and Hide Pie Flinging Mix: 285