Release Information
- SERIES: Online exclusives from Topps, Inc. are listed under a particular Series. This particular release was listed under:
American As Apple Pie In Your Face
- RELEASE DATE: June 29, 2016
- ON SALE WINDOW: 6 days (6/29/16 - 7/5/16)
- STICKER NUMBERS: 1a-4a and 1b-4b
- COMPLETE SET: 8 stickers
- PRICE: There were two different purchase options for this release. Two-card a/b sets of each character were available for $9.99/ea, or one could purchase all 8 stickers for $24.99
- INFORMATION: The 4th of July set is the 10th online exclusive Garbage Pail Kids Apple Pie set released by Topps. Poking fun at the United States Independence Day, this set features four new characters (and some blood!). This set was available for a limited time and could only be purchased directly from the Topps website
- PRINT RUN: According to information released on the Topps blog, the sales of the set were as follows:
1ab - Aaron Burr: 219
2ab - George Washington: 221
3ab - Alexander Jackson: 220
4ab - Thomas Jefferson: 219