• RELEASE DATES: October 13 – November 24, 2022 (see 'Details' below for breakdown)
  • STICKER NUMBERS: 1a-30a and 1b-30b
  • CHECKLIST: Click HERE to print a 2022 Online Exclusives checklist
  • PRICE: There were two ways to purchase this release. The sets could be purchased directly from the Topps website for $19.99, or in a lot of 10 for $179.99
  • INFORMATION: Topps continues to prove the theory that you can never beat a dead horse too much by releasing yet another expansion set for their popular Oh the Horror-ible theme. From their website: " Oh the horrible! Just in time for Halloween, Garbage Pail Kids return in truly horrifying style. Collect all five exclusive horror movie themed characters. Sold for a limited time only, each set contains 11 stickers"
    Each weekly set came with the full 10-card set plus 1 sepia-themed parallel
  • DETAILS: Below is a breakdown of each set featuring card #s, release date, and print run:
    Week 1: 1a-5b | 10/13/22 – 10/20/22 | 1383 Print Run
    Week 2: 6a-10b | 10/20/22 – 10/27/22 | 2144 Print Run
    Week 3: 11a-15b | 10/27/22 – 11/3/22 | 1406 Print Run
    Week 4: 16a-20b | 11/3/22 – 11/10/22 | 1212 Print Run
    Week 5: 21a-25b | 11/10/22 – 11/17/22 | 1380 Print Run
    Week 6: 26a-30b | 11/17/22 – 11/24/22 | 1269 Print Run