PRICE: There were two different purchase options for this release. Two-card a/b sets of each character were available for $9.99/ea, or one could purchase all 18 stickers for $44.99
INFORMATION: The Best of the Fest 2017 online exclusive set included only Garbage Pail Kids characters. Featuring some of the top headliners of 2017 Summer Music Festivals (like Tom Petty, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beyonce, and more), this set was available for a limited time and could only be purchased directly from the Topps website
PRINT RUN: According to information released on the Topps blog, the sales of the set were as follows:
Complete Sets: 116
1ab - Flames Flea/Appetizing Anthony (art by Brent Engstrom): 153
2ab - Destructive Damon/Rampaging Russel (art by Brent Engstrom): 146
3ab - Heart-Tearin' Tom/Pulverizing Petty (art by Brent Engstrom): 148
4ab - Repugnant Rivers/Malodorous Matt (art by Simone Arena): 147
5ab - Clean Kamaal/Ali Clear (art by Brent Engstrom): 144
6ab - Mad Michael/Brutalized Brad (art by David Gross): 186
7ab - Butcher Brandon/Murderous Mark (art by Michael Barnard): 148
8ab - Scrappy Solange/Knuckles Knowles (art by David Gross): 144
9ab - Aerosol Alecia/Makeup Moore (art by Joe Simko): 147