Series Information

  • RELEASE DATE: July, 2022
  • STICKER NUMBERS: 1-15, 16a-25a*
  • SUBSET: 25 stickers
  • VARIATION SUBSET: no variations
  • MASTER CHECKLIST: Click HERE to print a Master Variation Checklist
  • INFORMATION: The 'Gross Adaptations' subset consists of 25 cards. Taking classic books for audiences both young and old - and putting a GPK twist on the characters - this subset was available exclusively in Mega Boxes
    In a rather confusing move, WalMart issued TWO different Mega Boxes (pictured below) - which in turn contained different cards from the Gross Adaptations subset. *Further adding to the confusion is that Cards 1-15 don't have 'a' or 'b' after the number, but cards 16-25 are all 'a' cards. There are no 'b' cards for the set (and only 'a' cards for 16-25)

    'Card Aisle' Mega Box
    'Toy Aisle' Mega Box

    The Mega Box with the Book Worms character on the front (and yellow sticker) was located in the CARD AISLE of WalMart stores, and contained Gross Adaptations cards 1-15 and 16a - 20a. The cards were available in 1:6 Mega Box packs
    The Mega Box with the Pinnochio character on the front (and red sticker) was located in the TOY AISLE of WalMart stores., and contained Gross Adaptations cards 1-15 and 21a - 25a. The cards were available in 1:6 Mega Box packs