BNS2 Red Border Puzzle

The completed Red Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 92b Shad Ow. To complete the Red Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 58a Surf's Up Chuck
Piece #2: 57a Chocolate Bonnie
Piece #3: 56a Mel Tin
Piece #4: 61a Capped Calvin
Piece #5: 60a Padme
Piece #6: 59a Chalky Chester
Piece #7: 64a Sleep Les
Piece #8: 63a Chamel Leon
Piece #9: 62a Knot Ted

BNS2 Green Border Puzzle

The completed Green Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 93b Lin Berger. To complete the Green Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 58b Regurgi Tate
Piece #2: 57b Esther Bunny
Piece #3: 56b Marsh Marlow
Piece #4: 61b Robed Rob
Piece #5: 60b Colleen Screen
Piece #6: 59b Cringing Carl
Piece #7: 64b Insomniac Zack
Piece #8: 63b Blendin' Brendan
Piece #9: 62b Troy Scout

BNS2 Blue Border Puzzle

The completed Blue Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 94b Deface Chace. To complete the Blue Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 67a Egg Sheldon
Piece #2: 66a Brad Apple
Piece #3: 65a Charlie Down
Piece #4: 70a Blown-Up Bruce
Piece #5: 69a Sliding Sophie
Piece #6: 68a 8-Biff
Piece #7: 73a Roll-Up Ralph
Piece #8: 72a Fred Case
Piece #9: 71a Frida Spirit

BNS2 Yellow Border Puzzle

The completed Yellow Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 95b Bongo Bart. To complete the Yellow Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 67b Cracked Chris
Piece #2: 66b Apple A Ray
Piece #3: 65b Peanut Paul
Piece #4: 70b Smashing Stan
Piece #5: 69b Separated Samantha
Piece #6: 68b Pixelated Perry
Piece #7: 73b Frank Fruit
Piece #8: 72b Hidden Herman
Piece #9: 71b Tie Dyna

BNS2 Orange Border Puzzle

The completed Orange Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 96b Handy Hussein. To complete the Orange Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 76a Tongue Ty
Piece #2: 75a Goldie Locks
Piece #3: 74a Sketched Sal
Piece #4: 79a Misfired Merlin
Piece #5: 78a Nicole Troll
Piece #6: 77a Instant Wynn
Piece #7: 82a Tad Tris
Piece #8: 81a Allen Formation
Piece #9: 80a Piranha Finn

BNS2 Purple Border Puzzle

The completed Purple Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 97b Peg Roast. To complete the Purple Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 76b Licky Mickey
Piece #2: 75b Pauline Pudding
Piece #3: 74b Etched Eric
Piece #4: 79b Spell Castor
Piece #5: 78b Orange Gina
Piece #6: 77b Lotto Otto
Piece #7: 82b Puzzled Parker
Piece #8: 81b Jose Hoax
Piece #9: 80b Devoured Howard

BNS2 Brown Border Puzzle

The completed Brown Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 98b Reptillian Killian. To complete the Brown Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 85a Sheepish Seth
Piece #2: 84a Surprisin' Steph
Piece #3: 83a Dominated David
Piece #4: 88a Grating Gary
Piece #5: 87a Kool Aiden
Piece #6: 86a Blake Rake
Piece #7: 91a Shane Shovel
Piece #8: 90a Mixed-Up Michelangelo
Piece #9: 89a Jake Mistake

BNS2 Pink Border Puzzle

The completed Pink Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 99b Grace Vine. To complete the Pink Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 85b Wade Wolf
Piece #2: 84b Toilet Trish
Piece #3: 83b Little Lance
Piece #4: 88b Parma John
Piece #5: 87b Pitcher Pierre
Piece #6: 86b Hit Mitt
Piece #7: 91b Sandy Andy
Piece #8: 90b Disordered Donatello
Piece #9: 89b Dwight Out

BNS2 Cyan Border Puzzle

The completed Cyan Border Puzzle from Brand New Series 2 (above) is shown on the back of card 100b Take Ken. To complete the Cyan Border Puzzle you will need the following nine cards:
Piece #1: 94a Straw Barry
Piece #2: 93a Cheese Louise
Piece #3: 92a Peter Pain
Piece #4: 97a Luau Luann
Piece #5: 96a Booger Barack
Piece #6: 95a Drummed Dennis
Piece #7: 100a Abduct Jed
Piece #8: 99a Dee Seeded
Piece #9: 98a Fiery Francis

Series Information

  • RELEASE DATE: October, 2012
  • BORDER COLORS: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Brown, Pink, Cyan
  • INFORMATION: Garbage Pail Kids Brand New Series 2 contained a total of NINE different puzzles. Collectors assemble the puzzles by using the 'pieces' that are featured on various card backs as described above. Each finished puzzle consists of a total of nine cards (3 pieces across and 3 pieces down)