Below is a listing of all Garbage Pail Kids whose name starts with THE LETTER N. This list encompasses all releases between Original Series 1 and the 30th Anniversary Series *

Click on any name below to expand the selection and see the complete list. From there you can click the hyperlink next to the names to be taken to the specific Series!

Antsy Nancy - ANS3 - 32b
Nasty Nancy - OS5 - 194a
Astro Nat - ANS3 - 10a
Nat Nerd - OS5 - 172a
Nat Nerd - 30th Anniversary Comic Book Covers - 3a
Nat Net - 2014S2 - 99b
Nat Splat - OS9 - 368a
Knitting Natalie - BNS1 Bonus - B5a
Nailed Natalie - OS14 - 556b
Nasty Natalie - ANS3 Scratch 'n Stink - S8b
Naughty Natalie - ANS6 - 13b
Enter Net Nate - ANS6 - 18a
Floodgate Nate - ANS4 - 35a
Inmate Nate - ANS5 - 13a
Nate Inflate - BNS1 - 2a
Numb Nate - OS14 - 558b
Numbered Nate - BNS3 - 134b
Prime Nate - ANS7 - 15a
Sk8 Nate - ANS2 - 8a
Termi Nate - 2015 Bonus - B4a
Urin Nate - ANS3 - 8a
Deflatin' Nathan - OS9 - 351b
Neanderthal Nathan - ANS1 - 1b
Natty Dresser - OS13 - 517b
Peeled Neal - ANS6 - 1b
Surreal Neal - OS5 - 196b
Bobsled Ned - 2014S1 - 66b
Knot Ned - BNS2 - 62a
Lead-Head Ned - OS14 - 552b
Lemon Ned - ANS6 - 27a
Naked Ned - 2015 - 58b
Ned Head - OS3 - 119a
Nested Ned - 2015 - 24a
Nutty Ned - 2014S2 - 82a
Undead Ned - OS13 - 502b
Web Head Ned - ANS7 - 20b
Nailed Neil - OS4 - 155b
Death Nell - OS8 - 313b
Shrap Nell - OS9 - 365a
Nervous Nellie - OS6 - 215b
Half-Nelson - OS3 - 118a
Half-Nelson - 30th Anniversary Lost Alternate Art - 1a
Loch Nessie - BNS3 - 157a
N.E.S. Ness - 30th Anniversary 80s Spoof - 25a
Nordic Nessie - 2014S1 - 64b
Tuna Nettie - BNS2 - 111b
Dried-Fruit Newt - OS13 - 528b
Pollutin' Newton - OS11 - 431a
Shootin' Newton - OS10 - 416a
Nicholas Caged - ANS7 - 34b
Ridiculous Nicholas - ANS1 - 5b
Lovesick Nick - BNS3 - 161b
Nasty Nick - BNS2 - 101a
Nasty Nick - OS1 - 1a
Newsworthy Nick - ANS2 - 32b
Nick Of Time - 30th Anniversary 80s Spoof - 1b
Nick Lick - OS12 - 467b
Nick Pick - ANS5 - 25a
Nick Yick - OS9 - 362b
Picky Nicky - OS15 - 585a
Sick Nick - OS15 - 596b
Tricky Nick - ANS5 - 29b
Nicky Hicky - OS4 - 130a
Picky Nicky - BNS1 - 3a
Nicole Mole - ANS2 - 21a
Nicole Troll - BNS2 - 78a
Nutty Nicole - OS2 - 50b
Picked Nikki - ANS3 - 32a
Sticky Nikki - OS7 - 288b
Needled Nina - OS8 - 327a
Noah Body - OS7 - 279b
Noah's Barf - ANS4 - 36a
Nosedive Noah - ANS3 - 29b
Nutty Noah - BNS3 - 173a
Goal Noel - ANS7 - 40b
Joyous Noel - OS11 - 434b
Nailed Noel - OS14 - 548b
Noel Bowl - OS7 - 264b
Noel Escape - ANS4 - 18b
Knocked Nolan - 2014S2 - 91b
Stolen Nolan - 2015 - 63a
Gnawing Nora - OS6 - 215a
Nosey Norb - 2014S2 - 88b
Garden Norm - BNS3 - 194a
Knot The Norm - OS12 - 490b
Nerdy Norm - OS1 - 24b
Swarmed Norm - ANS4 Bonus - B8
Explorin' Norman - OS8 - 293a
Explorin' Norman - 30th Anniversary Zoom Out - 8a
Nerdy Norman - 30th Anniversary Artistic Influence - 4a
Norman Notwell - ANS5 - 8a
Transformin' Norman - 2014S1 - 48b
Warmin' Norman - OS3 - 115a

* After the 30th Anniversary release Topps switched to mainly themed sets, which resulted in a large number of celebrity names and/or politician names...which doesn't keep with the traditional GPK-naming scheme, and honestly just isn't as fun