Below is a listing of all Garbage Pail Kids whose name starts with THE LETTER V. This list encompasses all releases between Original Series 1 and the 30th Anniversary Series *

Click on any name below to expand the selection and see the complete list. From there you can click the hyperlink next to the names to be taken to the specific Series!

Dream Gal Val - 30th Anniversary Artistic Interpretation - 3b
Dream Gal Val - 30th Anniversary Comic Book Covers - 6b
Veggie Val - 2015 - 31b
Valerie Vomit - OS7 - 251b
Van Pire - OS10 - 411a
Van Triloquist - OS4 - 152b
Vanessa Undresser - OS7 - 276a
Volcanic Vanessa - ANS4 Scratch 'n Stink - S2b
Vicious Venus - BNS2 - 117b
Vulgar Venus - BNS1 - 37a
Burned Verne - 2015 - 61b
Burnin' Vernon - OS8 - 317b
Con Vic - OS9 - 343a
Licked Vic - ANS7 - 48b
Thick Vic - OS3 - 90b
Vic Pic - ANS1 - 16b
Airsick Vick - BNS1 - 23b
Icky Vicky - ANS2 - 33b
Sicky Vicky - OS10 - 21b
Vomitin' Victor - ANS4 - 20a
Victoria's Secret - ANS1 - 13b
Rinsin' Vincent - ANS6 - 2b
Vincent Van Gone - OS7 - 263a
Vincent Van Gross - ANS5 - 8b
Mini Vinnie - ANS1 - 27a
Twinny Vinnie - OS10 - 390b
Vending Vinnie - BNS1 - 35b
Ventilated Vinnie - OS2 - 82b
Vinnie Venom - 30th Anniversary GPK Pets - 5b
Vinnie Vomit - ANS4 Scratch 'n Stink - S6a
Vinny Son - ANS7 - 12a
Violet Viola - OS14 - 550a
Ultra Violet - OS5 - 202a
Viv E. Section - OS10 - 401a

* After the 30th Anniversary release Topps switched to mainly themed sets, which resulted in a large number of celebrity names and/or politician names...which doesn't keep with the traditional GPK-naming scheme, and honestly just isn't as fun